Climate Software Solutions
We use exclusively:

  • Environmentally friendly internet hosting
  • Regenerative energy in our data centres
Read more about our climate protection strategy...

"Without a doubt, ECOSPEED has the best instruments to create environmental balances, develop climate strategies, and implement specific action."

Karl-Ludwig Schibel, Managing Director of the Climate Alliance, Italy

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ECOSPEED is a worldwide leading provider of web-based software for energy and greenhouse gas balancing of government authorities, companies, and private individuals.

Our experts combine comprehensive knowledge and many years of experience from the environment, climate, and energy sectors with modern information technology. The company brings together environmental and software experts to form a unique interdisciplinary team that aims to achieve a sustained reduction in worldwide energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (above all CO2).

Profit from our unique software solutions and consulting services for your specific environmental balance:


Our software solution for efficient energy and greenhouse gas balancing for towns and municipalities. More

Climate Alliance and eea members get a 20% discount!


Our software solution for an efficient energy management for companies and organizations. More


Our free software solution for the calculation of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for private individuals. More